Marc_at_Ludys_96On upright bass, Marc Faye was happy to get back to four strings, having started on ukulele following his Hawaiian Islands youth. College days and the next 15 years, he played a 0-18 Martin influenced by the likes of Burl Ives, the Weavers, and Josh White. In the Hootenany revival days of the 1970's when many others were playing guitars, he tried the bass at the urging of a friend and was hooked.

In between he has been part of a family farming operation in the Knights Landing area of Yolo, Sutter and Colusa Counties, an adventure he has shared with wife, Gerda, and sons Eric and Olen.

Marc Faye

‘You get a line, I’ll get a pole....’

The Putah Creek Crawdads

Contact us: info@putahcreekcrawdads. (530) 666-0678