a_Wayne_96Wayne Ginsburg (mandolin and vocals) having survived the sixties, parenting and teaching teenagers, picked up the mandolin two years before retirement to have something to do after telling CalSTRS to start sending those checks.

Inspired by the jazz stylings of the Dawg, David Grisman, in the 80s, the mando seemed right. Sometime after starting to play with the Putah Creek Crawdads, he was encouraged to sing (isn’t everybody in a Hootenanny?). He found out he could venture out of the shower with minimal chance of complete embarrassment.  It has been a blast and uphill  from there.

Wayne thanks all of the Crawdads, his teachers Scott Parker, Matt Dudman and Keith Little, and Mary, Matt and Sarah and their families for continued encouragement.

Wayne Ginsburg

‘You get a line, I’ll get a pole....’

The Putah Creek Crawdads

Contact us: info@putahcreekcrawdads. (530) 666-0678